Banyak manfaat kegunaan daripada Alkaline Water Sticks/ Alat Alkali Air. Meningkatkan pH air paip dengan mudah – membuang klorin dan kekotoran lain, menambah mineral, meningkatkan pH 8.5 -9.0 atau lebih tinggi dan yang paling penting … mengaktifkan  air anda untuk sifat antioksidan.
Manfaat air alkali dengan Alat Alkali Air:
  • antioksida yang baik
  • membantu dalam penurunan berat badan,
  • menghidrat anda untuk tenaga ditambah dan daya hidup sihat
  • Menyingkirkan klorin dan logam berat & meningkatkan kejelasan logam
  • Detoksifikasi sel seluruh badan dan melambatkan penuaan
  • Keupayaan untuk mengakis asid dalam sistem badan anda
  • Jangan sekali-kali meninggalkan rumah tanpa bawa Alat Alkali Air
  • Baik bagi kegunaan harian dan Traveling
  • Kawalan dalam keseimbangan serta membantu anda menurunkan berat badan
  • Cepat mengeluarkan klorin dan bahan cemar berbahaya
  • Meningkatkan rasa air dengan faedah mineral
Mengapa perlu tinggalkan mesin air alkali dirumah apabila anda berada jauh, travelling atau keluar kerja? Kini anda mampu untuk mengambil / minum air beralkali hanya dengan menggunakan Alat Mengalkalikan Air mudah alih  hanya letak /  jatuh dalam sebotol air berisi air paip, goncang dan tunggu 30 saat dah boleh digunakan  
Mengisi botol dengan air paip, air mineral biasa atau air tapis (lihat gambar di bawah); menambah Alat Alkali Air ke dalam botol; goncang sekitar 5 ke 10 kali untuk /dalam masa 30 saat / seconds dan biarkan ia sempurna  di dalam larutan air botol yang hendak digunakan.
Boleh juga direndam selama 10-20 minit sebelum minum, Alat Alkali Air  kekal di dalam air, pengionan menjadi lebih kuat dan tahap pH yang diperolehi adalah lebih tinggi (sehingga 9.5).  Juga, caj negatif yang kuat (ORP) dicapai. Adalah disyorkan untuk gunakan satu (1) bagi setiap 16 oz sebotol dan dua (2)  untuk saiz botol 1.5 liter. Apabila anda mahu lebih kuat, cepat bertindak air minuman yang terion (sebutan TER …. ION), gunakan dua atau lebih untuk mendapatkan pH air yang sempurna Jika air terion (cara sebutan TER … ION) rasa terlalu kuat, tambah air paip sedikit.
Apabila menggunakan Alat Alkali Air yang sempurna buat kali pertama meletakkan alat ini dalam botol bersih setengah penuh dengan air paip atau air botol mineral biasa. Tutup botol dan goncang selama 30 saat dan ulang proses ini dua kali lagi sebelum minum, atau biarkan selama 10 minit atau lebih. Proses ini membolehkan mana-mana mineral  yang longgar untuk dikeluarkan daripada alat ini.
Apabila tidak digunakan lagi (semalaman) keluarkan Alat Alkali Air  dari botol. Sticks/ alat ini tidak lagi aktif apabila berasa klorin dan / atau terdapat bau yang hadir. Tukar dengan Alkaline Water Stick / Alat Alkali Air baru!
Minum air dalam tempoh 3 hari jika boleh dan dicampur dengan 20 titis TM108 – Lihatlah dan rasa perbezaan 

Menukar Alat Alkali Air  tersebut apabila telah digunakan untuk 12 bulan (2 liter sehari)
Alkaline water sticks contradicts the water flow of nature. Naturally high mineral water is organically created through streams, i.e. the water flows down mountains, gets filtered by rocks and sands streaming further through rivers teeming with life. With an alkaline water stick that natural flow doesn’t exist. Even with a household water filter there’s a flow to the water, it comes through your tap and passes through the water filters. To purify water you have to have movement–flow. Alkaline sticks just sit in the water.

Menurut Institut Perubatan Atlanta dan penyelidik terkemuka yang lain, minum air yang berkualiti dan beralkali dapat membantu memerangi dan membantu dalam proses penyembuhan perkara berikut:
• Kanser
• Penyakit Jantung dan Tekanan Darah Tinggi
• Diabetes
• Penyakit buah pinggang
• cirit-birit kronik dan Sembelit
• Penyakit Mata
• Osteoporosis
• Arthritis
• Masalah penghadaman, Gas, Loya
• Hepatitis C A B
Air Alkali ini amat baik jika dicampur dengan TM108

HARGA Alkaline Water Sticks   RM50


Alkaline Water Sticks   RM45

(+ Kos Penghantaran RM5 =Jumlah RM50)

Why Is Water Important To Us?
The blood in our body consists 90% of water. The blood takes an important role that supplies oxygen, nutrition and minerals to each organ, and also carries the body wastes to the excretory organs. If it cannot dissolve the various matters, it also cannot do those things. Everyone knows the importance of water on ecosystem in the world. All creatures depend on water for living. The body, tissue and internal organs of all living organism consist of water, as well as it must keep on supplying the water because water can help physiological state and metabolism.

Ionized Alkaline Water is the result of mild electrolysis which takes place in a water ionizer. (Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) due to an electric current being passed through the water. Source: Wikipedia). In the water ionizer the tap water is split into 2 streams, one alkaline, the other acidic. Alkaline water has more Oxygen and less hydrogen – one oxygen atom for every one hydrogen (OH) whereas tap water has two hydrogen atoms (H2O), the more hydrogen, the more acid. Ionized alkaline water is also called reduced water. This cannot occur without electrolysis, a process alkaline water tubes do not have.
What’s special about ionized alkaline water is the high negative ORP measurement: Oxidation Reduction Potential. This is what gives it its anti-oxidant body repairing power. This also happen via electrolysis, alkaline water sticks do not provide a negative ORP. 
(Oxidation-Reduction Potential -  a reversible chemical process usually involving the transfer of electrons, in which one reaction is an oxidation and the reverse reaction is a reduction)
Facts about alkaline water sticks
  • They don’t filter your water.
  • They don’t ionize the water
  • They don’t have Anti-Oxidant power
  • They don’t oxygenate your water (Micro-clustering of the water) to increase hydration potential
High pH level may mean the water is alkaline, but it doesn’t mean that it’s ionized. Alkaline water sticks use alkaline minerals to alkaline the water.
Fact: All high mineral water will have a higher pH level than regular tap water because of the alkaline minerals.
The alkaline water tube sticks manages to do only one thing, which is raising the pH of the water by 2 points — From 7 pH to 9 pH.
Alkaline water sticks contradicts the water flow of nature. Naturally high mineral water is organically created through streams, i.e. the water flows down mountains, gets filtered by rocks and sands streaming further through rivers teeming with life. With an alkaline water stick that natural flow doesn’t exist. Even with a household water filter there’s a flow to the water, it comes through your tap and passes through the water filters. To purify water you have to have movement–flow. Alkaline sticks just sit in the water.
  • Helps to provide Softened Water
  • Helps in generating Active Water which has a smaller molecular beam and is easier to absorb
  • Helps provide effective ionization of healthy minerals
  • Helps to balance the body's PH and the addition of new nutrients
  • Helps in healing physical traumas
  • Helps to reduce constipation
  • Helps to provide useful emission of healthy minerals such as Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Magnesium (MG), Calcium (Ca), Silver (Ag) etc
  • Helps to provide long lasting antifungal disinfection
The Portable Water Stick can change any tap or bottled water into high PH, antioxidant, micro-clustered, oxygenated alkaline drinking water.
The power stick is to convert normal purified water into alkali reduced healthy mineral water and it is small enough to fit into your purse, briefcase or workout bag. Now you can experience the benefits of Anti-oxidant / Alkaline water even when you’re on the go.
They will fit into any bottle of water so they can be used almost anywhere. The Alkali reduction ceramic stick is perfect for working out, traveling, sports and most of health caring purpose.
You get (3) months of continuous usage with your quality alkaline water sticks.
For best results eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

According to the Atlanta Medical Institute and other leading researchers, drinking quality alkaline water may help fight against and assist in the healing process of these conditions:
• Cancer
• Heart disease and High Blood Pressure
• Diabetes
• Kidney disease
• Chronic diarrhea and Constipation
• Eye disease
• Osteoporosis
• Arthritis
• Indigestion, Gas, Nausea
• Hepatitis C A B

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