" Bayi saya sering meragam terutama sebelah malam, setelah diberi minum TM108 yang diicampur dalam susu, bayi saya dapat tidur nyenyak. " Suriah (47 thn)
" Batuk saya sudah berkurangan setelah mengamalkan TM108. " Rosli Saad (44 thn)
" Saya selalu mengalami masalah sembelit, setelah mencuba TM108, sistem pembuangan menjadi amat lancar" Latifah (54 thn)
" Saya telah mengalami resdung sejak kecil lagi dan sering selsema dan gatal-gatal pada hidung. Banyak ubat saya telah cuba tetapi hasilnya hanya sementara. Setelah mencuba TM108, dalam beberapa hari saja masalah saya sudah berkurangan lebih 90%. Terima kasih kerana perkenalkan produk hebat ini pada saya. " Rosmazi (38 thn)
" Mak Ndak telah mengalami sakit sendi sebelah kanan sangat lama. Pelbagai rawatan telah Mak Ndak cuba. Alhamdulillah setelah mencuba TM108 ini , dengan izin Allah sakit Mak Ndak sudah tiada. Mak Ndak Yah (67 thn)
" Mak Su sering tidur lewat kerana menjaga kedai runcit yang kadang kala sehingga jam 2 pagi. Mak Su mengalami masalah lemah semangat dan sering rasa ketakutan. Setelah minum TM108 dalam beberapa hari, Mak Su hampir tidak percaya kerana semangat Mak Su sudah pulih!..! Mak Su Ani (41 thn)
" Anak lelaki saya sangat malas dan sering bangun lambat. Saya telah memberi dia minum beberapa gelas TM108, setelah beberapa hari saya sangat terkejut kerana dia sudah bangun awal dan rajin menguruskan perniagaan saya." Kak Nor (45thn)
" TM108 ini banyak membantu saya dalam rawatan saya. Banyak pesakit saya sembuh dengan izin Allah setelah air TM108 ini dibacakan ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan diberi minum kepada pesakit saya. Sekarang ini saya tidak lagi menggunakan air minuman yang dibeli di kedai-kedai untuk rawatan saya "
Pengamal Perubatan Tradisional ( 35 thn)
" Pada mulanya saya tidak mempercayai tentang kehebatan air TM108 ini kerana saya telah lama mengamalkan air ECPI. Setelah dipujuk oleh rakan untuk mencuba TM108, saya sangat terkejut kerana ianya 10 kali lebih hebat dari air ECPI !..Anda akan tahu kebenaran ini setelah mencuba TM108.. Hamidah (48thn)
" Saya mempunyai anak yang bersekolah , dia tidak menggemari air putih yang isteri saya bekalkan padanya setiap hari. Tetapi setelah saya gantikan dengan TM108 ini, dia sangat suka selain perubahan dirinya yang makin cergas dan cerdik.. " Yusuf (30 thn)
" Saya dapat memberi nafkah batin yang terbaik pada isteri setelah minum TM108 ini hanya beberapa botol dengan diiringi doa pada Allah..Isteri saya sering tersenyum setiap kali kami bertentang mata..terima kasih daun keladi TM108 !".. Suami Mithali (34 thn)
Dandelions, Yellville AR
I've been brushing [my teeth] with magnesium oil every day for the past few months. I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago and there was almost no scraping, no cavities, and no bleeding! The no bleeding is big because I have ALWAYS been a big bleeder when the hygienist does her thing. I've just always been prone to that. But not anymore! I wanted to do the happy dance right there in the chair!
Being in the Natural Products Industry for 24 years, I was intrigued by the fact that there was a product that I had never heard of. When I first heard of Magnesium Oil a few months ago, I thought that there was no way that there could be an oil form of a mineral. Then after doing the research, I quickly realized that in reality it's simply a mineral salt, in a 30% concentration, suspended in a liquid solution.
Knowing through experience the importance of magnesium as a macro mineral supplement for the body, coupled with the fact that applying the [Health And Wisdom's} Magnesium Oil directly to the skin it by-passes the gut all together, kicked my mind into high gear.
As an athlete, I start using the product daily on the body parts that I had worked that day and was amazed at the difference it made in recovery time, sleep and injuries. I start turning other athletes onto the product and they all were very impressed at the difference that it made. Athletes are the best 'test dummies' for any product. If it works for an athlete, it will work for the average person. I personally feel that magnesium is one of the most important supplement that we could take, however, from my experience very few assimilate it well through the intestinal tract. Topical Magnesium Oil is the best way to deliver this mineral into the system. I highly recommend the product to the 90% of the population that is magnesium deficient.
Todd Scarborough
5 time Mr. Arkansas Body Building Champion
Knowing through experience the importance of magnesium as a macro mineral supplement for the body, coupled with the fact that applying the [Health And Wisdom's} Magnesium Oil directly to the skin it by-passes the gut all together, kicked my mind into high gear.
As an athlete, I start using the product daily on the body parts that I had worked that day and was amazed at the difference it made in recovery time, sleep and injuries. I start turning other athletes onto the product and they all were very impressed at the difference that it made. Athletes are the best 'test dummies' for any product. If it works for an athlete, it will work for the average person. I personally feel that magnesium is one of the most important supplement that we could take, however, from my experience very few assimilate it well through the intestinal tract. Topical Magnesium Oil is the best way to deliver this mineral into the system. I highly recommend the product to the 90% of the population that is magnesium deficient.
Todd Scarborough
5 time Mr. Arkansas Body Building Champion
My husband had horrible hiccups and I rubbed the Magnesium Oil on his feet - within seconds they were gone!
I just wanted to thank you so much for including the sample of magnesium oil in with my last order. I have been brushing my teeth with it and it has done AMAZING things for my teeth! Thank you!
My problem is I suffer from Lupus and Fibromyalgia and I am already dealing with much muscle pain. I wanted to let you know that I finally was able to get the money together to purchase the magnesium oil. I am so happy and appreciative of this suggestion. It has done more for me in one week than all the prescription drugs I have been taking for the past 10 years.
Dandelions, Yellville AR
I also wanted to tell you
about something I experienced today. I had been using the Magnesium Gel since
about February also (started using it because of an injury to my knee a year
ago. Dr. was even talking knee replacement), and was pain free. I haven't
rubbed it on my skin for about a month. (Just too lazy) This morning I got out
of bed unable to put weight on my leg. I came to work in extreme pain, pretty
much just shuffling along. I have a sample bottle of MG in my office and
thought "why not try it on the knee? It has worked before." To the
bathroom I went with my MG in hand. Rubbed my knee and was able to walk out of
the bathroom with hardly any pain! My employees were amazed and wanted to know
all about it. You know I told them! Thanks for all your great products and I
will be using MG and my MO every day again!!
Catherine H, Lithia Springs,
Hey, I have a new Magnesium
Gel story!!! We went camping at the ocean and, of course, I got my face burned.
I had taken my aloe gel along, but lost it when we moved from one campsite to
another. So, I just put MG on my face every night before bed. I soon had a nice
tan and no peeling skin. It was great!
My boys LOVE the Magnesium
Gel for growing pains and sore muscles from soccer.
Ok, about two weeks ago my
DH tore something in his upper thigh doing toe touches for his self defense
class. We are pretty sure that something was torn as there was a lot of
bruising farther down the leg. We put MO and Dr Christopher's Cayenne Heat
Ointment (full name as we just started a new jar and could actually read the
label ) on the leg twice a day and wrapped it. It is two weeks later and the
bruising is gone and it is feeling great. The leg began improving the first few
days we used it, which is why we felt comfortable continuing it without a
doctor's visit.
MO and MG are wonderful for
muscle soreness and bruising. We're sure glad that we had it.
I use the magnesium gel in
my massage practice. When someone comes in with really sore and/or dense, tight
muscles, I coat them with the mag gel and then run the Jeannie Rub massager
over them. (It's big, like a two handed car buffer.) The massager increases the
circulation in the area, and drives the mag gel into the blood stream even
faster. It's like a minor miracle, saves me lots of time, and clients love it!
I can't wait to try the new version with the seaweed extract!
I thank you and my clients
thank you!
Adeha in North Carolina
I'm still using the mag gel.
I just put it on all over after a shower. It has pretty much eliminated my
restless legs problem. It also calms me and makes my skin look better. My nails
are not splitting anymore either.
I love Magnesium oil and
gel! I'm hooked! I can't believe what it has done for my bottoms of my feet! I
now use it everywhere.
I love my magnesium
products. I have stopped having those annoying heart palpitations that started
this year which were hormone related, I'm sleeping better and don't suffer from
PMS like symptoms anymore. I recommend it to everyone.
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